Site Sustainership
Site sustainership is super easy! You can log in with your email or social media account on the top right hand corner via desktop or mobile where it says "Sustainer" on Desktop and mobile. Receive exclusive access to educational material related to the documentary. Stay in touch with other people interested in the mission of the H20 Project. By joining, you can also post in the public section of the group 'The H20 Project' to share any observations about your area regarding water quality and access, including after you take the survey "Report Water Access & Quality" on the Main Home Page, powered via Typeform. Its a simple and easy way to leave feedback, no strings attached.

To make our environments and bodies healthier. This includes awareness of what we ingest, especially water. Healthy individuals and environments lead to healthy communities.
A world where the individual is empowered, valued and connected. Environments that are healthy, safe, sustainable and beautiful.